Create a custom design template

You can use the simple template designer to customize the look and feel of your Hederis:Comvert projects. On the Project Dashboard, go to “Step 3: Pick or Create a Template”, and click the Create Template button. You’ll be taken to the template builder, where you can configure a variety of design options, as follows:

General Page Setup

You can configure the default trim size for your new template, and choose whether or not chapters should always start on a recto (right-hand) page.

Page Margins

In this menu, you can set the default margins for your chapters, and also configure the running header and footer content. Running headers and footers can consist of text content, or use our built-in variables. To add text to your running headers or footers:

  1. Click inside the text box, and type an opening quotation mark (“).

  2. Now type the text that you want to appear, and then type a closing quotation mark (”).

  3. Finally, press the Enter or Return key. Your text will appear as a gray bubble. To remove your typed text, simply press the X immediately to the right of the gray bubble.

Variables let you insert dynamic content that is pulled right from your book text, like the most recent chapter title, the book title, or the author name. You can also insert a variable to dynamically add the up-to-date page number. To include a variable, simply click on it and it will appear in the text box as a green bubble.

This example shows a running footer that uses our built-in Page Number variable, and a running header with text content.

You can also combine text and variables, by following the same steps above for each type of content you want to include.

Margin Text Formatting

You configured the content of your running headers and footers in the previous menu, but this is where you configure the actual appearance of all your running headers and footers. You can choose the font family, font size, and whether the text should be bold or italic.

Main Text Formatting

This is where you set some of the over-arching features of your book text. You can choose different fonts and text settings for your main text versus your headings, and set your general line-height and text-indent values.

To keep all your text lined up with the baseline grid, we let you add space above and below your headings in increments of your line height. For example, if your line height is 14pt, and you set Heading Lines Above to “2”, this will translate to a space above your headings of 28pt.


If you need more control over different elements in your book—for example, to set different font and text settings for extracts or individual paragraphs, you can either use processing instructions, or change your project to use our Typeset app, which gives you full visual control over every element in your book.

Titlepage Text Formatting

Titlepages and half-titlepages often need to be laid out differently than the rest of your text, so we give you extra options here. You can configure the font size, alignment, and more in this menu.

Frontmatter, Part, Backmatter

You can also customize the headings and chapter openers for your frontmatter sections, backmatter, and part pages.

Additionally, you can choose to use lower-roman numerals for your frontmatter page numbers.

Getting Started
Step-by-Step Guide
File Management, Uploads, and Downloads
Working with Book Text
Validation and Preflight
Groups and Billing
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