List of Hederis Word Styles


HED Address

An address, for example in a letter, on a copyright page, etc.

HED Attribution

The attribution to a quote.

HED Attribution (contd)

Continuation paragraphs for a quote attribution. An attribution can have multiple continuation paragraphs.

HED Author name

The name of an author. This could appear in a variety of places: on the main titlepage, following a preface title or chapter title, etc.

HED Box type

Some books include multiple types of boxes and sidebars, that appear multiple times within a book. For example, a book might have a type of box called “Quick Tips”, that contains different tips that correspond to the current book topic. This style would be used to tag that Type heading, and is different from the main box heading.

HED Caption

A caption, for example to accompany an image or to follow a table.

HED Chap/Sect/Wrapper number

Number labels for any book section or wrapper, e.g., “Chapter 1”, or “Example 12”.

HED Chapter/Section title

Titles of main book sections, like chapters, prefaces, appendixes, parts, and so on.

HED Closing

The closing line of a letter, e.g., “Sincerely,”.

HED Code paragraph

A block of computer code.

HED Contributor

A book or section contributor, other than the author. For example, the name of an illustrator or editor that might appear on the titlepage or at the beginning of a chapter.

HED Dateline

A dateline.

HED Definition definition

The definition paragraph in a set of term/definition pairs. This paragraph is an example of the definition paragraph that corresponds to the term above.

HED Definition definition (contd)

A continuation paragraph for a multi-paragraph definition, as defined above.

HED Definition term

A term to be defined, often followed by a HED Definition definition paragraph.

HED Dialogue paragraph


HED Endnote paragraph

A paragraph in an endnote.

HED Footnote paragraph

A paragraph in a footnote.

HED Generic heading

A generic heading, often used in the middle of boxes or sidebars when you want to introduce a block of text without creating a formal sub-section. Also often used as a heading preceding a letter body, e.g., “CONFIDENTIAL”.

HED Generic subheading

Similar to the generic heading, a second level of heading that can be used when you want to create a logical grouping of text without creating a formal sub-section.

HED Image holder

A placeholder for an image. See “Add an image” for more.

HED Image source

The source of an image, e.g. “Courtesy of Getty Images”.

HED Imprint name

The name of your imprint, often included on a titlepage.

HED Line space

A line space, often used to create a logical break in time or context.

HED List item (contd)

A second paragraph in a multi-paragraph list item (can be used for both bulleted and numbered list items).

HED List item – Bulleted

A bulleted or unordered list item. For multi-level lists, use the HED BOX Bullet List wrapper, nesting multiple levels of list wrappers within it, like this:

HED List item – Numbered

A numbered or ordered list item. For multi-level lists, use the HED BOX Num List wrapper, nesting multiple levels of list wrappers within it, like this:

HED Location

A location, for example the location of your office as it appears on the book titlepage, or the location in which a chapter is set.

HED Mark for Deletion

A paragraph that should be deleted in the final output.

HED Ornamental space

An ornamental break in the text, often used to create a logical break in time or context and containing a visual ornament.

HED Plain text paragraph

This versatile style is used for plain text, for example in the main flow of a chapter, or a paragraph of text in an extract, or the body text of a letter. See “Paragraphs, Wrappers, and Sections” for more about this.

HED Plain text paragraph (contd)

If a paragraph is broken up by an image or other content, use this style for the continuing text of the paragraph.

HED Postscript

A postscript, as in a letter or foreword, e.g., “P.S., don’t forget to buy milk!”.

HED Processing instruction

This special Hederis style is used to add extra instructions about how to transform the paragraphs and sections of your manuscript. See “Add special layout instructions” to learn all about processing instructions.

HED Publisher name

The name of your publisher, for example appearing on a titlepage.

HED Quote paragraph

A quote, that you don’t necessarily want to appear inside an extract.

HED Salutation

A salutation, for example in a letter or foreword, e.g. “Dear reader,”.

HED Signature

The signature of the author of a block of text, for example in a letter or foreword.

HED Speaker name

A speaker in a block of dialogue.

HED Subtitle

Subtitles for any type of section or wrapper. For example, could be used both for a chapter subtitle, and for a subtitle in a sidebar.

HED TOC entry – backmatter

A table of contents entry for a backmatter section.

HED TOC entry – chapter

A table of contents entry for a chapter.

HED TOC entry – frontmatter

A table of contents entry for a frontmatter section.

HED TOC entry – part

A table of contents entry for a part.

HED Verse paragraph

A single line of verse.

HED Wrapper title

Titles of wrappers and sub-sections. For example, for a sidebar title, extract title, sub-section title, etc.

HED separator

Inline Styles

Inline styles are styles that you apply just to a few words or characters within a paragraph, without affecting the rest of the text in the paragraph. Hederis supports most of Word’s built-in character formatting tools (like italics, bold, underline, etc.), so you don’t need to use inline styles for everything. However, there are a few cases where inline styles come in handy:

HED SPAN Small Caps Text

HED SPAN Emphasis Text

Text that should be emphasized both visually and while being read aloud. This style is typically represented as italics. (In modern web development, “emphasis” has replaced “italic” as a code to add emphasis to your text.)

Note that you can use Word’s built-in Italic formatting button, and this style will automatically be applied when the .docx file is converted in Hederis.

HED SPAN Strong Text

This style is typically used for bold text. (In modern web development, “strong” has replaced “boldas a code to add weight to your text.)

Note that you can use Word’s built-in bold formatting button, and this style will automatically be applied when the .docx file is converted in Hederis.

HED SPAN Superscript Text

HED SPAN Subscript Text

HED SPAN Inline Link

A Link or url.

HED SPAN Abbreviation Text

An abbreviation.

HED SPAN Key phrase

A word or phrase that should be differentiated from the rest of the text, but doesn’t fall into any of the other Inline Style categories.


A numbered element, nested inside another paragraph. For example, this tag would be used to style a chapter number that runs in with the chapter title text, e.g. “1 Down the Rabbit Hole”.

HED SPAN Introductory text

The first few letters or words of a paragraph or chapter.

HED SPAN Loosen spacing

Loosen the character spacing in a span of text in the PDF. See “Adjust letter spacing (PDF-only)” for more.

HED SPAN Tighten spacing

Tighten the character spacing in a span of text in the PDF. See “Adjust letter spacing (PDF-only)” for more.

HED SPAN Line break after

Insert a line break after a word or character. See “Force a line break (PDF-only)” for more.

HED SPAN Page break after

Insert a line break after a word or character. See “Force a page break (PDF-only)” for more.

HED SPAN Note reference

HED SPAN Note marker


HED BOX Box start, HED BOX Box end

HED BOX Bullet List start, HED BOX Bullet List end

HED BOX Code Block start, HED BOX Code Block end

HED BOX Definition List start, HED BOX Definition List end

HED BOX Endnote start, HED BOX Endnote end

HED BOX Epigraph start, HED BOX Epigraph end

HED BOX Extract start, HED BOX Extract end

HED BOX Figure start, HED BOX Figure end

HED BOX Footnote start, HED BOX Footnote end

HED BOX Letter start, HED BOX Letter end

HED BOX Note start, HED BOX Note end

HED BOX Num List start, HED BOX Num List end

HED BOX Poetry start, HED BOX Poetry end

HED BOX Sidebar start, HED BOX Sidebar end

HED BOX Simple List start, HED BOX Simple List end

HED BOX Sub-section start, HED BOX Sub-section end

HED BOX Table start, HED BOX Table end


HED SECT About the Author

HED SECT Acknowledgments


HED SECT Afterword

HED SECT Appendix

HED SECT Bibliography

HED SECT Chapter

HED SECT Colophon

HED SECT Conclusion

HED SECT Copyright Page

HED SECT Dedication

HED SECT Endnotes

HED SECT Epigraph

HED SECT Foreword

HED SECT Glossary

HED SECT Halftitle Page


HED SECT Interlude

HED SECT Introduction


HED SECT Preface


HED SECT Titlepage

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