Convert an EPUB to MOBI or KF8 for the Kindle

While we only currently provide EPUB files, it’s fairly simple to convert your EPUB to Kindle formats, using Amazon’s Kindle Previewer tool. We provide a special EPUB optimized just for Kindle conversion, which we call the “Kindle EPUB”. To convert it for Kindle, follow these steps:

  1. Go to, and download the app.

  2. Go through the standard installation steps for your computer.

  3. Download the Kindle EPUB from your Hederis Project Dashboard.

  4. Open Kindle Previewer, and drag-and-drop the Kindle EPUB from Hederis onto the Kindle Previewer app.

Kindle Previewer will convert to the appropriate format, and let you see how your file will look on different Kindle devices. You can also see if there were any problems with the conversion process by looking at the conversion log that Kindle Previewer creates (View > Conversion Log).

For more information about Kindle Previewer, check out their documentation:

Font Warnings in the PDF, and how to fix them
PDF preflight and prepress
Getting Started
Step-by-Step Guide
File Management, Uploads, and Downloads
Working with Book Text
Validation and Preflight
Groups and Billing
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