Page templates control the general layout of all the different sections in your book. This is different from a book’s design template: a design template includes design instructions for all the paragraphs and elements in your book, as well as the running content, margin widths, and so on. Page templates, however, determine only the page margins, where the running headers and footers go and what kind of content should appear in them, and how to format that text. Page templates are just one part of a book’s design template.
You can configure 5 different page templates: chapters, 2 types of frontmatter, backmatter, and parts. While these page templates are applied to certain types of sections by default, you can change the page template that is used in any section, in the Sections & Text toolset.
We include two types of frontmatter page templates because books will often have certain frontmatter—like title pages and copyright pages—that needs a different page layout (e.g., reduced top margin height, or removing all the content from the running headers and footers).
Each type of page template has 4 pages that can be configured:
The first page of the section: You can change the top and bottom margins for the first page of the section, or change the running header and footer content. For example, you might choose to insert just the page number at the bottom of the first page, and then to include full running headers and footers on your recto and verso pages.
Recto and verso pages: These are the main content pages of your section, and this is also where you set the inside and outside margins that will be applied to all the pages in your section (including first and blank pages).
Blank pages: Sometimes a section will include pages that don’t include any book content—for example, if this section ends on a recto page, but the next section is required to also start on a recto page, then an extra blank verso page will be added to the end of the first section. In these cases, you can choose to suppress the running header and footer content, or have different running headers and footers appear.
Running headers and footers can consist of text content, or use our built-in variables. To add text to your running headers or footers:
Click the margin area that you want to add content to.
Click inside the text box, and type an opening quotation mark (“).
Now type the text that you want to appear, and then type a closing quotation mark (”).
Finally, press the Enter or Return key. Your text will appear as a gray bubble. To remove your typed text, simply press the X immediately to the right of the gray bubble.
Variables let you insert dynamic content that is pulled right from your book text, like the most recent chapter title, the book title, or the author name. You can also insert a variable to dynamically add the up-to-date page number. To include a variable, simply click on it and it will appear in the text box as a green bubble.

This example shows a running footer that uses our built-in Page Number variable, and a running header with text content.
You can also combine text and variables, by following the same steps above for each type of content you want to include.